LABORATORY SERVICES – 24/7 Diagnostics
In house full time female radiologist, Pathologist, Biochemist and Microbiologists services is available. The patients are provided in house diagnostic facility for every required test, to support the doctors for providing efficient treatments for them in timely.
We offer the entire portfolio of diagnostic services, like
In house Radiology services:
- 4D – Ultrasound scan
- Dedicated ultrasound for bedside
- Color Doppler
- Digital X-Ray high frequency
- Portable mobile x- ray
- 2D Echo for Neonates
- Mammography Digital
- Bone densitometry
In house Lab services:
- Pathology
- Biochemistry – Auto analyzers
- Microbiology – Automated cultures (Bactec & Vitec)
- Immunology. – Hormones, Viral and cancer markers
- Neonatal screening up to 62 conditions
Over and above other special investigations are out sourced to CAP accredited labs.
Dont wait for your body to give you reminders. SELECT and BOOK YOUR PACKAGE TODAY!
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