Neonatal Department of Prashanthi Hospitals specializes in treating babies with a wide range of congenital and acquired conditions through state of the art technology and care. Neonatal care is given by our highly skilled and experienced Neonatologist and pediatrician who are available round the clock and trained nurses in the speciality with one to one care. We specialize in treating extremely ( <28 weeks) premature babies, very low birth weight (VLBW), extremely low birth weight babies (ELBW) and other babies with various medical and surgical cases, with survival comparable to any other good tertiary care hospital in India.
Care is given to all the needy newborns like:
- Neonates delivered to high risk pregnancies.
- Preterm and low birth weight babies.
- Neonates with history of birth asphyxia, low APGAR scores, prolonged resuscitation etc.
- Neonates with congenital heart diseases.
- Neonates with major congenital malformations.
- Any sick neonate requiring intensive monitoring and therapy.
- Evaluation of suspected Genetic diseases and counseling.
- Lactation counseling to all mothers.
- Antenatal and postnatal counseling.
Intensive Care Unit is equipped with the following to cater to sick neonates:
- 25 open care systems and incubators with all multipara monitoring systems, Infusion and syringe pumps.
- Neonatal Ventilators and bubble CPAPs and High frequency oscillatory ventilators (HFOV).
- “Mira cradle” facility (Therapeutic hypothermia for asphyxiated newborns).
Intensive phototherapy. - High frequency mobile X-ray.
- Dedicated NICU ultra sonography.
- Bedside 2D Echo cardiography.
- Dedicated bood gas anayser( ABG).
- 24 hours Blood Bank facility.
- In house Microbiology dept with BACTEC cultures Hematology Biochemistry and Immunoassay facility.
- Delivery room CPAP and air oxygen blenders.
- New born metabolic screening ( Tie up with Baby shield)
- Hearing (Audiometry) and Vision screening.
- Transport ambulance with transport incubator.
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